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Dr. A.R. Pathak, Hon;ble Vice Chancellor and Dr. P.V. Patel, DSW felicitated by various Employees' Association on receiving prestigious " Harit Ratna" and "Harit Puraskar-2017"

     It was a proud moment for Junagadh Agricultural University as HDr. P.V. Patel, Director, Students' Welfare was Awarded with "HARIT PURASKAR-2017" Best Director of Students' Welfare among all State Agricultural Universities of India due to outstanding contribution made by him  in Students' Welfare activities. 

    In order to felicitate both the dignitaries a special programme was arranged by the President, JAUTA and various employees' Association to express their feelings towards the happiness and congratulate to Dr. A.R. Pathak, Hon'ble Vice Chancellor and  Dr. P.V. Patel, Director Students' Welfare for their outstanding achievements at National level.


