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Natural Resources Management

a)   Nutrient Management




The farmers of South Saurashtra Agro-climatic Zone growing summer groundnut are advised to apply FYM @ 10 t/ha along with 50 per cent RDF + 500 kg gypsum/ha (i.e. 12.5-25.0-00 NPK kg/ha) every year and apply 11 irrigations as per recommendation ( 1st immediately after sowing for good germination, 2nd 18-20 DAS, 3rd and 4th 30 and 40 DAS, 5th to 9th at an interval of 7 to 8 days and the remaining irrigations at an interval of 8 to 9 days) to their crop for obtaining higher yield and net realization.


Groundnut and Pigeon pea


The farmers of South Saurashtra Agro-climatic Zone following bunch groundnut-pigeon pea intercropping system (2:1) under rainfed condition are advised to maintain 100 per cent plant density by keeping intra row spacing of 7.5 and 20 cm, respectively and apply 100 per cent RDF of groundnut (i.e. 12.5-25.0 -00.0 NPK kg/ha) as basal dose to both the crops for getting higher gross and net return.


Forage Sorghum


The farmers of North Saurashtra Agro-climatic Zone growing forage sorghum as a green fodder crop during kharif season are recommended to apply 120 kg N/ha (60 kg as a basal dose and 60 kg as a top dressing) at 30 days after sowing to sorghum crop with keeping the seed rate of 50 kg/ha for getting economically optimum green fodder yield. Phosphorus @ 40 kg/ha should be applied as common dose.


Bajra and Mustard


The farmers of North Saurashtra Agro-climatic Zone growing bajra (kharif)-mustard (rabi) crop sequence are advised to apply 100 per cent RDF + 10 t FYM/ha to bajra  and only 50 per cent RDF to mustard crop to obtain higher yield and net return of the sequence.


Sesame and Cotton


Farmers of North Saurashtra Agro-climatic Zone adopting sesame based inter cropping system are advised to fertilize sesame + hy. cotton (3:1) with 100 per cent RDF of main and intercrop as per area for getting higher yield and net return.


Marvel Grass


The farmers of North Saurashtra Agro-climatic Zone are advised to grow marvel grass with application of 60-30 NP kg/ha (30 kg N as a basal and 30 kg N at 30 DAS) for obtaining economically maximum green biomass and dry matter yield in marginal lands under rainfed condition.




The farmers of North Saurashtra Agro-climatic Zone growing groundnut (GG-20) under dry-farming condition in kharif season are advised to apply recommended dose of N and P through DAP and urea with gypsum (18.75 kg S/ha) for getting maximum pod yield and  higher net return.


Garlic and Groundnut


The farmers of South Saurashtra Agro-climatic Zone adopting garlic-groundnut crop sequence on calcareous black soils having low Zn and medium to high K status are advised to apply 25 kg ZnSO4 + 75 Kg K2O per hectare in addition to recommended dose of N and P before sowing of garlic crop and recommended dose of N and P to kharif groundnut for getting higher yield and net return from garlic-groundnut crop sequence.

Groundnut (Summer) - sea weeds liquid fertilizer


The farmers of Middle Gujarat Agro-climatic Zone– III (AES- II), growing summer groundnut (GG-2) on soils having marginal status of Zn and Fe are advised to spray  1 % of multi micronutrients mixture (Fe 2 %, Mn 0.5 %,  Zn 4.0 %, Cu 0.3 % and B 0.5 % equivalent to Govt. notified general Grade-I) or sea weed liquid fertilizer (SLF) @ 1.5 per cent at 15, 30 and 45 days after sowing to get higher groundnut yield and profit.


Groundnut (GG-2) - sea weeds liquid fertilizer


The farmers of North Saurashtra Agro-climatic Zone(AER-2) growing kharif groundnut (GG-2) on Zn and Fe deficient soils are advised to spray the crop with sea weeds liquid fertilizer (SLF) @ 3.5 per cent at 15, 30 and 45 days after sowing to get higher groundnut yield and net realization.


Groundnut (kharif)


The farmers of the coastal area of South Saurashtra Agro-climatic Zone growing kharif groundnut on saline-sodic soil are advised to apply gypsum @ 5 t /ha (50 % of GR) besides recommended dose of fertilizer for obtaining higher net return.


Cotton – organic manure


The farmers of North Saurashtra Agro-climatic Zone growing hybrid Cotton-8 in kharif season under dry farming condition are advised to adopt 30 cm deep tillage every year for the highest seed cotton yield, net return and moisture conservation. They are also advised to apply FYM @ 10 t/ha for higher yield, net return and moisture conservation. Recommended dose (80-0-0 NPK kg/ha) of fertilizer should be applied to the crop.




The farmers of South Saurashtra Agro-climatic Zone growing cotton in medium black calcareous soils are advised to apply 120 kg K2O and 50 kg ZnSO4 per hectare as basal in addition to recommended dose of nitrogen for getting maximum net return.




Farmers of South Saurashtra Agro-climatic Zone growing hybrid castor GCH - 6 under irrigated condition are advised to fertilize castor crop with 40 kg P2O5 ha-1 besides the recommended dose of N for getting maximum castor seed yield and net return.




Farmers of North Saurashtra Agro-climatic Zone are advised to apply recommended dose of chemical fertilizer (50-25-00 NPK kg/ha) + 20 kg S/ha for getting higher return.




The farmers of North Saurashtra Agro-climatic Zone applying enriched compost @ 6 t/ha or vermicompost @ 2 t/ha need not to apply inorganic fertilizers in legumes.


Pearl millet


The farmers of North Saurashtra & West Gujarat Agro-climatic Zones growing kharif pearl millet in saline sodic soil with marginal sulphur status are advised to apply 250 kg gypsum/ha in addition to  recommended dose of fertilizer ( 80:40 kg NP/ha)  for obtaining higher yield and net realization.



Pearl millet (kharif )


The farmers of North Saurashtra Agro-climatic Zone growing kharif  bajra (var. GHB-558) on soil deficient in available Fe and Zn are advised to follow soil application of FeSO4 @ 15 kg/ha and ZnSO4 @ 8 kg/ha or micronutrient mixture  grade having Fe-2  %, Mn-0.5  %, Zn-5  %, Cu-0.2  % and B-0.5  % equivalent of Govt. notified Grade-V as soil application @ 20 kg/ha at the time of sowing to get higher yield and net return. Alternatively, farmers are advised to spray 1  % foliar grade of multi-micronutrients having Fe 4  %, Mn 1  %, Zn 6  %, Cu 0.5  % and B 0.5  % equivalent of Govt. notified Grade-IV (for Fe and Zn deficiency) at 20, 30 and 40 DAS.


Onion (rabi)


The farmers of South Saurashtra Agro-climatic Zone utilizing urea as a source of nitrogen in rabi onion are recommended to apply 20 kg sulphur/ha through phospho gypsum at the time of sowing or as elemental sulphur at 20 to 25 days before transplanting for getting higher  bulb yield.


Onion (kharif)


The farmers of South Saurashtra Agro - climatic Zone growing kharif onion (Agri Found Dark Red) are recommended to apply 75:50:25 kg NPK/ha. Of which 50 per cent nitrogen and full doses of phosphorus and potash should be applied as basal and remaining 50 per cent nitrogen should be top dressed one month after transplanting for getting higher yield.


Groundnut (kharif)-Wheat (rabi)


The farmers of South Saurashtra Agro-climatic Zone adopting groundnut-wheat crop sequence are advised to apply soil test based recommended dose of fertilizer to both the crops for realizing higher net return. Application of nutrients only through organic sources was not found economical.


Groundnut (kharif)-Onion (rabi) -2006


The farmers of South Saurashtra Agro-climatic Zone adopting groundnut-onion crop sequence are advised to apply recommended dose of N through FYM on equivalent N basis to both the crops. Under the situation of inadequate availability of FYM; farmers should follow soil test based fertilizer application to both the crops.


Pearl millet (kharif)-Wheat (rabi)


The farmers of South Saurashtra Agro-climatic Zone adopting pearl millet-wheat crop sequence are advised to apply chemical fertilizers as per soil test to both the crops for realizing higher net return. Application of nutrients only through organic sources was not found economical.


Pigeon pea + Groundnut


The farmers of South Saurashtra Agro-climatic Zone adopting pigeon pea + groundnut relay cropping in medium black calcareous soils are advised to apply 40 kg sulphur (one month prior to sowing) and 50 kg K2O per hectare as basal in addition to recommended doses of N and P to pigeon pea for higher yield and net return.


Pearl millet – Groundnut


The farmers of North Saurashthra Agro-climatic Zone following pearl millet-groundnut cropping system under rainfed conditions are advised not to follow mono cropping and apply N @ 80 kg/ha to pearl millet only for obtaining higher yield and net return.




The farmers of North Saurashtra Agro-climatic Zone are advised to apply FYM @ 5 t/ha + NP fertilizer (25-25 kg NP/ha) to sesame crop for getting higher yield and net realization. Alternatively, the farmers are advised to apply FYM @ 5 t/ha + NP (12.5-12.5 kg/ha) through chemical fertilizers alongwith seed inoculation of PSM + Azotobacter each @ 625 g/ha to sesame crop.


Pearl millet


The farmers of North Saurashtra Agro-climatic Zone growing hybrid pearl millet (GHB‑558) during kharif on Zn deficient soils are advised to apply 20 kg/ha zinc sulphate at the time of sowing followed by 0.2 per cent spray of ZnSO4 at pre-flowering stage to obtain higher grain yield and net return.


Sesame (Black)


The farmers of North Saurashtra Agro-climatic Zone growing black seeded sesame (G.Til-10) in kharif are advised to apply 25 kg N + 25 kg P2O5/ha as basal and 25 kg N/ha as top dressing at 30 DAS or apply FYM 10 t/ha + Azotobacter and PSB each @ 5 kg/ha as soil application for getting higher yield and net return.




The farmers of North Saurashtra Agro-climatic Zone growing sesame during kharif in soils with marginal to deficient in available Fe and Zn are advised to apply mixture grade of multi-micronutrients @ 20 kg/ha (Fe-2.0 %, Mn-0.5 %, Zn-5.0 %, Cu-0.2 % and B-0.5 %) equivalent to Government notified general grade-V as soil application for obtaining higher yield and net return.




The farmers of North Saurashtra Agro-climatic Zone growing sesame on soils marginal to deficient in Zn and Fe are advised to apply 2.5 t FYM/ha with ZnSO4 @ 20 kg/ha and FeSO4  at 25 kg/ha in addition to the recommended fertilizer dose (50-25-00 NPK kg/ha) for getting higher yield and net return.


b)   Cropping System


Cotton and Sesame


The farmers of North Saurashtra Agro-climatic Zone growing G.Cot. Hy.-8 under dry farming condition in kharif  season at 120 cm distance are advised to grow sesame as a intercrop (1:1) between the cotton rows for getting higher net return.


Sesame and semi spreading groundnut


The farmers of agro ecological situation - IX of North Saurashtra Agro-climatic Zone growing sesame and groundnut in kharif are advised to intercrop groundnut (GG-20) with sesame in 3:1 or 2:1 row ratio and sesame (G.Til-2) with groundnut in 2:1 row ratio for getting higher yield as well as monetary return.


Sesame and Cotton-Castor


The farmers of agro ecological situation - IX of North Saurashtra Agro-climatic Zone are advised to intercrop sesame (G.Til-2) with cotton (G.Cot Hy-8) in 3:1 or 2:1 or 1:1 row ratio and sesame with castor (GCH-6) in 3:1 row ratio for getting higher yield as well as monetary return.


G.cot Hy. 8 and Sesame-Pulses


The farmers of agro ecological situation - 1(a), 1(b) and 3 of Bhal region growing hybrid cotton (G.Cot Hy.-8) at the distance of 120 cm are advised to adopt intercropping system with sesame (G.Til-2) or black gram (T-9) or green gram (K-851) with the ratio of 1:1 for getting higher yield and net return under rainfed condition.




The farmers of North Saurashtra Agro-climatic Zone growing hybrid cotton (G.Cot.Hy-8) at the distance of 120 cm are advised to adopt intercropping with sesame (G. Til-2) or green gram (K-851) in the row ratio of 1:1 for getting higher yield and net return under dry farming condition.


Anjan Grass


The farmers of North Saurashtra Agro-climatic Zone growing grasses are advised to use seed mixture of Anjan grass (2.66 kg/ha) and Stylosanthes scabra (1.66 kg/ha) for obtaining economical maximum green biomass and dry matter production on marginal lands under rainfed condition. Alternatively instead of S.scabra, Clitoria Sp. (5 kg/ha) can also be used.


c)   Water Management




The farmers of North Saurashtra Agro-climatic Zone growing sesame in kharif are advised to apply one irrigation at 50 per cent flowering during dry spell for getting maximum sesame yield and net return.


Brinjal  (summer)


The farmers of South Saurashtra Agro-climatic Zonegrowing brinjal (Lila gota) in summer season are advised to irrigate the crop with drip system at 1.0 PEF laying lateral at 90 cm distance in each row and drippers of 4.0 LPH at 60 cm distance on each lateral and operate the system at an alternate day with a pressure of 1.2 kg / cm2 for one hour and 50 minutes on alternate day for getting more net realization with higher water use efficiency. Under constraint of irrigation water, they are advised to adopt drip irrigation at 0.8 PEF to save 20 % water and bring about 0.21 ha additional area of this crop under irrigation. Farmers are also advised to apply wheat straw mulch @ 5 t/ha for getting more net realization.




The farmers of South Saurashtra Agro-climatic Zone growing coriander are advised to irrigate the crop with mini sprinkler at 0.8 PEF with laying lateral at 1.8 m distance in paired row (30-60-30 cm) and sprinkler of 35 LPH at 2.5 m distance on each lateral, and operating the system at an alternate day with a pressure of 1.2 kg/cm2 for getting higher net realization.


Pearl millet


The farmers of North Saurashtra Agro-climatic Zone(AES-X) growing hybrid pearl millet (GHB-558) in summer are advised to give 13 irrigations each of 40 mm depth at 6-7 days interval for obtaining higher yield and net return. Under limited water availability, they are advised to give 11 irrigations each of 40 mm depth at 7-8 days interval.




The farmers of South Saurashtra Agro-climatic Zone adopting bunch groundnut + castor (3:1) intercropping system are advised to irrigate castor crop at 1.0 IW/CPE ratio (four irrigations). First irrigation should be given at 20 days after harvesting of groundnut and remaining at an interval of 10 days for getting higher net return.




The farmers of South Saurashtra Agro-climatic Zone growing irrigated wheat are advised to prefer wheat variety GW-322 and give 7 irrigations i.e. at sowing, CRI, tillering, boot, flowering, milky and dough stages for getting higher yield and net return. Under limited water availability, farmers can apply 6 irrigations by skipping irrigation at boot stage without affecting yield.


d)   Bio-fertilizers




The farmers of North Saurashtra Agro-climatic Zone growing sorghum as fodder crop in kharif are advised to choose sorghum variety GFS-5 and fertilize with 80 kg N/ha (40 kg as basal and 40 kg at 30 DAS) and Azotobacter and Azospirillum bio-fertilizer treatment (5 packets/ha each of 250 g) for getting maximum fodder yield.


Anjan  Grass


The  farmers  of North  Saurashtra  Agro-climatic  Zone  growing  Anjan  grass in kharif  season  are  advised  to apply  20 kg  N/ha ( 10 kg as basal  and 10 kg at 30  DAS ) along with  Azotobacter  5  packets/ha  (each  of  250 g) for getting  economically  optimum  green  and dry  matter yield in  marginal lands under rainfed  condition.


Groundnut and Wheat


The farmers of North Saurashtra Agro-climatic Zone adopting groundnut-wheat crop sequence are advised to apply 50 per cent recommended dose of fertilizer (6.25-12.5 kg NP/ ha) + Rhizobium culture (250 g/10 kg seeds) + FYM 10 t/ha to groundnut and recommended dose of fertilizer (120-60-0 kg NPK/ha) to wheat for maximum yield and net return.




The farmers of coastal area of South Saurashtra Agro-climatic Zone growing groundnut crop are advised to apply half recommended dose of NPK (12.5-25-0 kg/ha) in the form of urea and rock phosphate with seed inoculation of bacterium EBJ-3 (Azotobacter sp.) @ 25 ml/kg seed of groundnut to obtain higher net return.


Pearl millet


The farmers of coastal area of South Saurashtra Agro-climatic Zone growing bajra crop are advised to apply half recommended dose of fertilizer in the form of urea and rock phosphate with seed inoculation of bacterium EBKH-1 (Azotobacter sp.) @ 25 ml/kg seed to obtain higher net return.


e)   Dry Farming


Groundnut -alley cropping


The farmers of North Saurashtra Agro-climatic Zone are advised to grow groundnut GG 20 with Glyricidia at the alley width of 9.6 m along with an application of FYM @ 5 t/ha for getting higher yield of groundnut and net return in the alley cropping system under dry farming condition.


Groundnut -organic manure


The farmers of North Saurashtra Agro-climatic Zone are advised to carry out ploughing up to 20 cm depth in alternate furrows in alternate year and apply FYM @ 5 t/ha and recommended dose of NPK (12.5-25-0 kg/ha) for getting higher yield of groundnut and net return under dry farming condition.


Pasture legumes in combination of grasses


The farmers of North Saurashtra Agro-climatic Zone growing grasses are advised to grow Clitoria (Clitoria ternatea) with Marvel grass/Zinzvo (Dichanthium annulatum) in 1:2 row ratio for obtaining economically maximum green biomass and dry matter yields under rainfed condition.


f)   Weed Management




The farmers of South Saurashtra Agro-climatic Zone growing isabgul are advised to perform two hand weedings at 20 and 40 DAS. Under paucity of labours application of isoproturon @ 0.5 kg/ha as pre emergence is advised for efficient weed control and higher net return.


Groundnut and Pigeonpea


The farmers of South Saurashtra Agro-climatic Zone following bunch groundnut-pegion pea inter cropping system (2:1) are advised to keep weed free crops through out the season where farm labours are adequately available. Under paucity of labours, pre-emergence application of pendimenthalin or fluchloralin @ 0.5 kg/ha along with 3 IC (25-40-55 DAS) + 2 hand weeding (30 and 45 DAS) is recommended for effective weed control and higher return.


Groundnut and Castor


The farmers of North Saurashtra Agro-climatic Zone adopting intercropping of groundnut (GG-2) + castor (GAUCH-1) (3:1) are advised to spray fluchoralin @ 0.9 kg/ha dissolved in 500 liters of water as pre emergence along with one hand weeding at 40 days after sowing for effective and economical weed management.




The   farmers of  North  Saurashtra  Agro-climatic  Zone  growing  sesame  are  advised  to adopt  two  hand  weedings at 15  and 30  days  after  sowing  or one  hand  weeding  at  15  days  after sowing  supplemented with  one  inter-culturing  at  30 days  after  sowing.  Under  paucity  of  labourers,  pre-emergence  application of  alachloar  (1.5 kg/ha)  or  post  emergence application  of  quizalofop  ethyl  ( 0.05  kg/ha at 15  DAS )  supplemented with  one  inter-culturing  at  30  days  after  sowing  is  recommended  for  efficient  weed  management,  higher  yield  and better  return.




For effective and economical weed management in coriander crop, farmers of South Saurashtra Agro-climatic Zoneare advised to follow hand weeding at 15, 30 and 45 days after sowing. Under paucity of labourers, they can apply trifluralin @ 0.75 kg/ha in 500 liters of water as pre-emergence or fluchloralin 0.6 kg/ha in 500 liters of water as pre-emergence + 1 HW at 30 days.


Groundnut (kharif)


Among different organic materials tested for weed management in kharif groundnut, wheat straw incorporated in soil @ 5 t/ha before sowing was found comparable to pre emergence application of fluchloralin @ 0.9 kg/ha. Hence, farmers of South Saurashtra Agro-climatic Zonecan incorporate wheat straw in place of fluchloralin as a component of integrated weed management.



The farmers of South Saurashtra Agro-climatic Zone harvesting wheat  through combined harvester are advised to incorporate wheat straw in soils using rotavator for better weed control and net return along with maintenance of soil fertility in kharif groundnut.


The farmers of North Saurashtra Agro-climatic Zone (AES-X) growing garlic (GG-3) in rabi season are advised to apply oxyflurofen @ 0.12 kg/ha or pendimethalin @ 0.6 kg/ha as pre emergence + one hand weeding at 40 DAS.  If laborers are available, the crop should be kept weed free through hand weeding for obtaining higher yield of garlic and additional net return.

Pearl millet

The farmers of South Saurashtra Agro-climatic Zone growing summer pearl millet are advised to keep their fields weed free through hand weeding and interculturing at 20, 40 and 60 days after sowing. However, under shortage of labourers, they are advised to apply atrazine 0.5 kg/ha (Atracil 50 % WP 1.0 kg/ha) as pre-emergence by dissolving it in 500 liters of water followed by one hand weeding and interculturing at 40 days after sowing for effective weed management.


Groundnut (kharif)


Under the circumstances of labourer shortage or not able to spray pre-emergence herbicide; the farmers of South Saurashtra Agro-climatic Zonegrowing kharif groundnut are advised to spray quizalofop-ethyl 40 g/ha (Targa Super 5 % EC, 800 ml/ha) by dissolving it in 500 liters of water as post-emergence at 25 days after sowing to control monocot weeds. It should be followed by a hand weeding and interculturing at 45 days after sowing for effective weed management.


g)   Cropping system diversification


Groundnut (kharif)-Onion (rabi)-Green gram (summer)


The farmers of South Saurashtra Agro-climatic Zone having assured irrigation facility are advised to adopt groundnut (kharif)-onion (rabi)-green gram (summer) sequence for obtaining higher production and net returns.


h)   Management of Problematic Soil




The farmers of coastal area of South Saurashtra Agro-climatic Zone growing kharif Dhummad cotton are advised to apply gypsum @ 75 % of GR in addition to recommended dose of N (40 kg/ha) under sodic soil condition for getting higher yield and net return.


i)   Cultural Practices


Pearl millet


The farmers growing pre rabi pearl millet (var. GHB-316) in South Saurashtra Agro-climatic Zone are advised to sow pearl millet from 3rd week of September to 1st week of October for achieving higher yield and profit from pre-rabi pearl millet.




The farmers of North Saurashtra Agro-climatic Zone (AES-15) growing cotton under rainfed condition are advised to sow cotton var. G. Cot. Hy.8 at row spacing of 120 cm for getting higher seed cotton yield and net return.


Sesame and Groundnut


The farmers of North Saurashtra Agro-climatic Zone growing sesame and groundnut crops in kharif  season are advised to open the furrow after each three rows for sesame. The ridges and furrow method should be followed for groundnut crop at 20-30 days after sowing for obtaining maximum yield and net return.




The farmers of North Saurashtra Agro-climatic Zone growing groundnut in kharif are advised to adopt deep ploughing every third year besides tractor harrowing every year to prepare the field for obtaining maximum yield and net return.




The farmers of coastal area of South Saurashtra Agro-climatic Zone growing rabi onion in saline soil with poor quality well water are advised to apply mulch (pearl millet husk)  @ 5 t/ha during 15 to 20 days after planting in flat bad for getting higher net return.


Pearl millet


The farmers of North Saurashtra Agro-climatic Zone growing hybrid pearl millet (GHB‑558) during kharif are advised to sow the crop in paired row at 30 cm x 60 cm to get higher yield and net return.


j)   Package of Practices




The farmers of South Saurashtra Agro-climatic Zone growing irrigated castor are advised to apply 75-40-00 NPK kg/ha along with two inter culturing, two hand weedings and two sprays of insecticide to control sucking pest and semi looper for getting higher yield and net return. Among the various package of practices, fertilizer application is the most critical practice followed by weeding and plant protection which could reduce seed yield by 45.30, 32.43 and 23 per cent, respectively.


Groundnut-Pigeon pea     


Farmers of South Saurashtra Agro-climatic Zone interested in adopting semi-spreading groundnut + pigeon pea intercropping system are advised to open the furrow at 40 cm distance and sow two rows of groundnut (GG-20) and one row of pigeon pea (Vaishali). They are also advised to apply 4 irrigations at an interval of 10 days (1.0 IW/CPE) to pigeon pea after harvest of groundnut for realizing higher net return.


Groundnut rainfed


Farmers of South Saurashtra Agro-climatic Zone growing rainfed groundnut (cv. GG-20) are advised to sow the crop at 60 cm x 7.5 cm with bullock drawn automatic seed drill using 120 kg seed/ha treated with mancozeb @ 3.0 g/kg seed and soil application of FYM based Trichoderma viridii (2.5 kg/ha) at the time of sowing for getting higher pod yield and net return.


k)   Low Cost Techniques




The farmers of South Saurashtra Agro-climatic Zone growing rainfed castor are advised to soak the seed in one per cent sodium chloride solution for three hours and sow at onset of monsoon to get higher seed yield and net return.




The farmers of North Saurashtra Agro-climatic Zone growing sesame are advised to adopt seed soaking technique (8 hours soaking of seed in water (1:1) and drying in shade for 12 hours) before sowing followed by one hand weeding at 15 DAS and mulching with dust (soil mulch) for getting higher seed yield and net return.


l)   Pasture Management


Pasture Grasses


The farmers of North Saurashtra Agro-climatic Zone planting grasses are advised to grow marvel grass and to adopt earthening up treatment at 25 DAS on marginal lands for obtaining economically optimum green and dry fodder yields under rainfed condition.




જૂનાગઢ કૃષિ યુનિવર્સિટી દ્વારા તા. ૦૩/૦૩/૨૦૨૫ ના રોજ ગુજરાત રાજ્ય આંતર કૃષિ યુનિવર્સિટી પોલિટેકનીક સ્પર્ધાઓ ૨૦૨૪-૨૫ નું આયોજન કરવામાં આવેલ.
જુનાગઢ કૃષિ યુનિવર્સિટી હસ્તકના કૃષિ વિજ્ઞાન કેન્દ્ર, અમરેલી દ્વારા ૨૮ મી ફેબ્રુઆરી ૨૦૨૫ ના રોજ કૃષિ મેળો -૨૦૨૫ “આધુનિક ખેતી પદ્ધતિનું પ્રદર્શન” નું આયોજન કરવામાં આવ્યું.
સરદાર સ્મૃતિ કેન્દ્ર, જુનાગઢ રજત જયંતી એવોર્ડ યોજનામાં ભાગ લેવા માટેનું ઉમેદવારી પત્રક - “ખેતી પાકોમાં કાપણી પછીની માવજત અને મૂલ્યવર્ધન” વર્ષ: ૨૦૨૪-૨૫
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