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Horticulture & Agro-forestry


For remunerative cultivation of papaya Cv. Madhubindu under South Saurashtra Agro-climatic Zone, farmers are advised to apply vermicompost @ 12 kg/plant at the time of transplanting to obtain maximum net realization with good quality fruits as compared to chemical fertilizers and FYM.

Custard apple and Guava

Farmers of Saurashtra region are advised that the fresh fruits of custard apple and guava should be dipped in the solution of 0.5 per cent carbendazim for 10 minutes and then packing in polyethylene bag of 30 x 20 cm size having six vents with KMnO4 coated silica gel for enhancing post harvest life, marketability and quality of fruits up to six days.

Coconut hybrid (Cv. D x T)

Farmers of South Saurashtra Agro-climatic Zone growing coconut hybrid
(D x T) are advised to apply 270 g urea/plant at monthly interval through drip irrigation. The drip system should be operated for one & half hour daily during October to February and two & half hour from March onwards with four drippers, each having 8 liters discharge/hour (1.1 kg / cm2 pressure), keeping drippers one metre away from palm trunk to save 47 per cent irrigation water without affecting yield.

Coconut hybrid (Cv. D x T)

The coconut hybrid (D x T) growers of coastal area of South Saurashtra Agro-climatic Zone are advised to apply 2 kg nitrogen, 1 kg phosphorus, 2 kg potash per plant/year in two equal split i.e., June and October for getting higher nut yield and higher net return in saline (14 EC) irrigation water.


The farmers of South Saurashtra Agro-climatic Zone growing banana are advised to grow variety "Gandevi Selection" for higher yield and income per hectare.


Papaya growers of Saurashtra region are advised to grow Madhubindu variety for maximum papain production. Further, they are advised to extract papain from papaya at 80 days old fruits for getting maximum fresh and dry weight of latex (crude papain).


Papaya growers of Saurashtra region are advised that the fresh harvested fruits of papaya cv. Madhubindu should be dip for five minutes in the solution of GA3 100 ppm (100 mg/lit.) followed by packing in perforated polyethylene bag which enhanced shelf life, marketability and quality of fruits up to six days of storage.

Kagzi lime

Farmers of Saurashtra region growing acid lime cv. Kagzi lime are advised to apply 80 per cent recommended dose of fertilizers for more production and higher income from adult tree. Out of which nitrogen in form of urea 2.6 kg per plant in 12 equal splits should be applied at monthly intervals thorough drip irrigation, while phosphorus and potash should be applied as soil application in two splits (SSP-3.75 kg & MOP-2.00 kg/ tree) in June and October. The drip system should be operated at 0.8 PEF for 3.00 hours daily during October to February and 5.00 hours from March to onward with 4 drippers, each having 4 lit. discharge per hour (1 kg/cm2 pressure) keeping dripper 1.0 meter away from trunk of lime plant to save 33.19 per cent irrigation water.  

Sapota (cv. Kalipatti) growers of South Saurashtra region are advised to apply 72 litres water / tree / day (0.6 PEF) in summer (March to May) and 52 litres water/tree/day in winter (October to February) to adult tree (15 to 20 years old) through drip irrigation system which can save up to 32.6 per cent of water without reduction in yield. The drip system should be operated 4 hours and 30 minutes in summer and the 3 hours 15 minutes in winter, with 1 kg / sq.cm2 pressure keeping four drippers / tree having capacity of 4 LPH. The drippers should be kept one meter away from the trunk of the tree.

Guava cv. Sardar

The farmers of South Saurashtra Agro-climatic Zone growing guava cv. Sardar are advised to apply 10 kg FYM along with 120 g N, 60 g P2O5 and 60 g K2O per tree at the age of one year which should be increased in equal quantity every year upto fifth year (50 kg FYM, 600 g N, 300 g P2O5 and 300 g K2O per tree) for obtaining economical production. One half dose of nitrogen and full dose of FYM, P2O5 and K2O should be applied in June and remaining half dose of nitrogen in September.

Chiku cv. Kalipatti

Farmers of South Saurashtra Agro-climatic Zone growing sapota cv. Kalipatti are advised to apply 900 g N or 450 g N plus 8.00 kg castor cake per adult tree along with recommended dose of 50 kg FYM, 450 g each of P2O5 and K2O to obtain higher yield and better quality of fruit. One half dose of nitrogen and full dose of castor cake, FYM, P2O5 and K2O should be applied in June and remaining half dose of nitrogen in September.

Custard apple cv. Sindhan

Farmers of South Saurashtra Agro-climatic Zone are advised to apply 200 g N  + 100 g P2O5 + 50 g K2O and Azotobacter and Phosphobacter bio-fertilizers each @ 30 g by mixing with 15 kg FYM per plant at onset of monsoon to get maximum fruit yield and net profit in six year old custard apple cv. Sindhan orchard.




જૂનાગઢ કૃષિ યુનિવર્સિટી દ્વારા તા. ૦૩/૦૩/૨૦૨૫ ના રોજ ગુજરાત રાજ્ય આંતર કૃષિ યુનિવર્સિટી પોલિટેકનીક સ્પર્ધાઓ ૨૦૨૪-૨૫ નું આયોજન કરવામાં આવેલ.
જુનાગઢ કૃષિ યુનિવર્સિટી હસ્તકના કૃષિ વિજ્ઞાન કેન્દ્ર, અમરેલી દ્વારા ૨૮ મી ફેબ્રુઆરી ૨૦૨૫ ના રોજ કૃષિ મેળો -૨૦૨૫ “આધુનિક ખેતી પદ્ધતિનું પ્રદર્શન” નું આયોજન કરવામાં આવ્યું.
સરદાર સ્મૃતિ કેન્દ્ર, જુનાગઢ રજત જયંતી એવોર્ડ યોજનામાં ભાગ લેવા માટેનું ઉમેદવારી પત્રક - “ખેતી પાકોમાં કાપણી પછીની માવજત અને મૂલ્યવર્ધન” વર્ષ: ૨૦૨૪-૨૫
JAU has been rated 5-Star by the Gujarat State Institutional Rating Framework (GSIRF).
The India Today Rankings-2024 recently announced. Junagadh Agricultural University, the only Government University from Gujarat ranked 31st at National level.
College of Agril. Engineering and Technology, JAU, Junagadh improved its ranking at National Level, In National Ranking of CSR-GHRDC Engineering Colleges Survey-2024.
JAU has been awarded 7th rank among all the State Agricultural Universities of India and 2nd rank in State by Educationworld, India Higher Education Ranking 2023-24.
College of Agricultural Engineering and Technology, JAU, Junagadh improved its ranking at National Level. In National Ranking of CSR-GHRDC Engineering Colleges Survey 2022.
In Gujarat State Institutional Rating Framework (GSIRF) 2021-22 Junagadh Agricultural University got 5th position
