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Achievements and placements 

     In the year 2024, Rahul Kumar secured admission in Dr. Rajendra Prasad Central Agricultural University, Pusa, Samastipur, Bihar for P.G. studies through ICAR-JRF.     In year 2023-2024, Rakesh Barad was awarded 3 medals in the subject of Genetics and plant breeding.
     Four students of the 7th semester were selected for international training under the NAHEP-IDP, at the University Putra, Malaysia from 20/11/2023 to 23/12/2023.
    Four students of the 7th semester were selected for international training under the NAHEP-IDP, three students successfully completed their training at World Vegetable Centre, East and South-east Asia, Thailand from 24/08/2023 to 26/09/2023 whereas, one student completed her training at Can Tho University, Vietnam from 19/08/2023 to 4/10/2023.
      In the year 2023, Yogesh Vaghmarya secured admission in Acharya Narendra Deva University of Agriculture & Technology, Kumarganj, Ayodhya (UP) for P.G. studies through ICAR- JRF.      
    In year 2022-2023, Nandaniya Parth was awarded 13 medals in different subjects during the annual convocation [GPB- 4 medals; highest overall grade point- 3 medals; Agril. Economics- 2 medals; Agril. Entomology, Horticulture, Agril. Extension and Agril. Statistics- 1 medal each].
     In the year 2022, Sumit Kalathiya secured admission in Sardar Krushinagar Dantiwada Agricultural University for P.G. studies through ICAR-JRF.
    Five students of the 8th semester were selected for international training under the NAHEP-IDP out of which two students were unable to go due to COVID situation and three students have successfully completed their three months training at Asian Institute of Technology, Thailand from 8th January, 2022 to 8th April, 2022.
    In year 2019-2020, Kadivar Mohammadnasir Valimamad was awarded the Vice Chancellor’s Gold Medal and he secured record breaking 21 medals in different subjects.
   One of our students Satasiya Mitesh was part of the table tennis boys team which ranked first at the All India Inter Agriculture University competition held at Sri Venkateswara Veterinary University, Tirupati, Andhra Pradesh from 1-3-2020 to 5-3-2020.
    In 2019, Borisagar Dharmik received the Vice Chancellor’s Gold Medal, best All Round Under Graduate Gold Medal, Donor’s medal in the subject of Genetics & Plant Breeding, Extension, Dr. J. V. Majmudar Gold medal for the year 2018-19. Kotadiya Urvashi received Donors’ Medal in the subject of Horticulture, three medals in Entomology and Plant Pathology in the year 2018-19.
    One of our UG student, Dharmik Borisagar who passed out in year 2019, has secured admission in CSK Himachal Pradesh Agricultural Universtiy, Palampur for PG studies in the subject of Agricultural Economics through ICAR-JRF.

    One of our students (Solanki Yagnik) was a team member of the University table tennis team which secured Silver medal at the All India Inter-Agri Universities games in Punjab in January 2019.

    Students participated in the ‘International Conference on the Emerging Global Economic Situation- Impact on Trade and Agribusiness in India’ organized by BJVM College and Agroeconomic Research Centre at Vallabh Vidhyanagar on 28-29th September 2018. Five students gave the oral presentation whereas other three participated in this conference.

    In 2018,  Javiya Urvishaben Ratibhai received the Vice Chancellor’s Gold Medal, best All Round Under Graduate Gold Medal and five gold plated silver medals in the subjects of Genetics and Plant Breeding (3), Horticulture and Agril. Extension Education. Another student of the same batch Rank Panchhi Prafulbhai received three gold plated silver medals in the subjects of Agri. Entomology & Plant Pathology.

   In 2017, Sumara Mohammad Irshad received Vice Chancellor’s Gold Medal for his overall performance and Donors’ Medal in the subject of Agricultural Chemistry and Soil Science, Horticulture, Agril. Economics, Agril. Statistics, Agril. Extension Education, Genetics and Plant Breeding. In the same year, Zala Rakesh secured admission in Dr. Rajendra Prasad Central Agricultural University, Pusa, Samastipur, Bihar for P.G. studies through ICAR-JRF.

Student Counseling and Placement Cell

The placement cell is continuously making efforts for the students to get the requisite skills. Updates regarding general knowledge, competitive examinations are displayed on the notice board along with the relevant advertisements for recruitments. Also efforts are made to call the experts from various fields in order to develop their personality, generate the soft skills, building up of self confidence and develop the employment skills amongst the students. Efforts are being made to bridge the gap between recruiting agencies and the students at the college level.