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Training programme for farmers of Rajkot, Surendranagar, Jamnagar and Kutcch district will be organized by DEE, JAU, Junagadh on March 21-23, 2018.
Training programme for farmers of BanasKantha district will be organized by DEE, JAU, Junagadh and ATMA Project, BanasKantha during March 14-15, 2018
Gujarat State Inter Agricultural Cricket Tournament shall be organized during March 17-18, 2018 at Sport's ground
A Special lecture on "Bio-intensive Pest Management for Organic Agriculture " shall be delivered to the PG & Ph.D. Students by Dr. Dipak Bora, Director, Students' Welfare, and Professor, Entomology, Assam Agricultural University, Jorhat on March 16, 2018
A programme on International Women's Day organized jointly by Divya Bhaskar and Junagadh Agricultural University
Two days 'Special Module training programme organized jointly by Junagadh Agricultural University and English Training Studio, Junagadh for the students of College of Fisheries, Veraval
One day "Campus to Corporate" training shall be organized during 16,17 1nd 18th March, 2018 for the JAU students
Training programme for farmers of Gadhda(Swamina) will be organized by DEE, JAU, Junagadh on March 13, 2018.
Training programme for farmers of Botad taluka will be organized by DEE, JAU, Junagadh on March 12, 2018.
Training programme for farmers of Surat district will be organized by DEE, JAU, Junagadh on March 12, 2018.
KVK, JAU, Surendranagar, received National Best KVK of the year - Runner up award by Mahindra Samridhee Agri india Award 2018 on 6th March 2018 in New Delhi.
Mahendra Samrudhi Award to JAU for development of Nanofertilizer developed at the department of Biotechnology.
Seminar on Woman Empowerment and role of woman in social development shall be Jointly organized by Divya Bhaskar and Junagadh Agricultural University on 07-03-2018.
Veterinary Clinical Camp was organized by Polytechnic in Agriculture, Dhari as part of NSS activity in collaboration with College of Veterinary Science & A.H., JAU, Junagadh on 26th February, 2018 at Sukhpur (Dhari)
Dr. A.R. Pathak, Hon;ble Vice Chancellor and Dr. P.V. Patel, DSW felicitated by various Employees' Association on receiving prestigious " Harit Ratna" and "Harit Puraskar-2017"


જૂનાગઢ કૃષિ યુનિવર્સિટી દ્વારા તા. ૦૩/૦૩/૨૦૨૫ ના રોજ ગુજરાત રાજ્ય આંતર કૃષિ યુનિવર્સિટી પોલિટેકનીક સ્પર્ધાઓ ૨૦૨૪-૨૫ નું આયોજન કરવામાં આવેલ.
જુનાગઢ કૃષિ યુનિવર્સિટી હસ્તકના કૃષિ વિજ્ઞાન કેન્દ્ર, અમરેલી દ્વારા ૨૮ મી ફેબ્રુઆરી ૨૦૨૫ ના રોજ કૃષિ મેળો -૨૦૨૫ “આધુનિક ખેતી પદ્ધતિનું પ્રદર્શન” નું આયોજન કરવામાં આવ્યું.
સરદાર સ્મૃતિ કેન્દ્ર, જુનાગઢ રજત જયંતી એવોર્ડ યોજનામાં ભાગ લેવા માટેનું ઉમેદવારી પત્રક - “ખેતી પાકોમાં કાપણી પછીની માવજત અને મૂલ્યવર્ધન” વર્ષ: ૨૦૨૪-૨૫
JAU has been rated 5-Star by the Gujarat State Institutional Rating Framework (GSIRF).
The India Today Rankings-2024 recently announced. Junagadh Agricultural University, the only Government University from Gujarat ranked 31st at National level.
College of Agril. Engineering and Technology, JAU, Junagadh improved its ranking at National Level, In National Ranking of CSR-GHRDC Engineering Colleges Survey-2024.
JAU has been awarded 7th rank among all the State Agricultural Universities of India and 2nd rank in State by Educationworld, India Higher Education Ranking 2023-24.
College of Agricultural Engineering and Technology, JAU, Junagadh improved its ranking at National Level. In National Ranking of CSR-GHRDC Engineering Colleges Survey 2022.
In Gujarat State Institutional Rating Framework (GSIRF) 2021-22 Junagadh Agricultural University got 5th position
